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What do you see? spiritual breakthrough


“Then the Lord reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, “I have put my words in your mouth. See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant.” The word of the Lord came to me: “What do you see, Jeremiah?” “I see the branch of an almond tree,” I replied. The Lord said to me, “You have seen correctly, for I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled.” The word of the Lord came to me again: “What do you see?” “I see a pot that is boiling,” I answered. “It is tilting toward us from the north” (Jeremiah 1:9-13 NIV).

Many years ago, a bishop visited a small religious university in the mid-west. He stayed at the house where the president of the university lived, whom also served as a professor in physics and chemistry. After dinner, the bishop said that the millennium could not be far, because everything about nature had been discovered and all inventions had been conceived. The young president kindly told him he disagreed and said that he believed there was still much more to discover. When the bishop angrily challenged the president to name one of those inventions, the president replied that he was sure that within fifty years, people would fly. “That’s absurd”, the bishop replied. “Only angels were made to fly”. The name of this bishop was, Wright and he had two sons who had a greater vision than he did. Their names were Orville and Wilbur. This bishop and his sons lived under the same heaven, but they didn’t have the same vision. The bishop’s sons saw they were able to fly, therefore, they did.

There was an occasion where God spoke to prophet Jeremiah and told him what He had put in him and how he would use him. God has a clear vision for everyone, but what do we see? What is our vision for our life? Do we believe the Word of God or do we see our problems as something bigger than our God?

To receive the breakthrough, we must:

Jeremiah’s calling was clear, but it wasn’t only about God calling him, but about Jeremiah seeing what God was seeing in him.
If what we see is rejection, anger, resentment, then that will be our vision regarding God’s purpose. In order to provoke a breakthrough,we must already see the healing and the restoration, in other words, we need to see by faith that we are on the other side. (What things are awaiting us on the other side of the wall?)

SEE WHAT GOD SEES Jeremiah 29:11
God asked Jeremiah, what do you see? Today He is asking us, what do we see? If we want a spiritual breakthrough we need to know what we are seeing. God wanted to use the prophet, but in order to use him He needed to know what he was seeing.

God spoke to Jeremiah for the second time and He asked him, what do you see? (Jeremiah 1:11-13). Sometimes, God has to speak to us two to three times so that we make changes. What do you see? Do you see yourself free from vices? Do you see yourself changing your character? Do you see yourself healed? Do you see yourself reaching your dreams? God already has what we have been expecting, the question is, do we see it?

Having a clear and correct vision of God’s purpose will help us reach and produce a spiritual breakthrough to achieve those things we have dreamed of, prayed for and expected to see.

Think about it:

Can we cause a spiritual breakthrough by doing the same things we’ve been doing lately?
If we are negative and lack faith can we cause a breakthrough?
What things do we see in faith? Where do we need to see a breakthrough in our lives?

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