Recovering Identity


Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect (Romans 12:2).

God loves and accepts us just as we are. This is why He desires that we be constantly transformed. He does not care about what our past looks like; what He is concerned about is our willingness to change. Jephthah was a man who did not have much of a future, but who was transformed from an exile to the commander of all of those who had exiled him; all because he dared to change his way of thinking. (Judges 11:1)

Jephthah could not boast much about his descendants, because he came from a dysfunctional family. His father committed adultery with his mother who was a prostitute.

Probably our descendants are not as bad as were Jephthah’s, but the majority of us grew up in dysfunctional families; given that in one way or the other we suffered as we were being raised.

We have all been created by God to live under His government; yet we still end up living far from our Heavenly Father’s home and not enjoying the inheritance He has prepared for us, because of someone’s fault or by our own choice.

While being far from his Father’s house, Jephthah began to associate with people who he momentarily believed were his only family, but who did not lead him to any good.

Every change starts from the inside out. We cannot change the outside first, because then it would only be an appearance. We are able to do this when we decide not be molded to the world but instead to renew our understanding.

Jephthah had lost his identity when he was living far from his family and home, using his talents in another land and in things that did not please God. Although, one day he dared to let go of his past, those people who were not a good influence and accepted the challenge to become one of God’s men of courage.

God wants to fulfill His purpose in us so we can go from being governed by the enemy to becoming brave men and women of Jesus Christ who are willing to fight against the devil and take back everything he has stolen from us.

Think about it:

• Is there something in your past that makes you think you cannot be successful in your present?
• What habitual thoughts have you been practicing that have limited you from reaching God’s purpose?