There is power in your Words


The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.
Proverbs 18:21 (NIV)

Why do some people not live in abundance? The majority of Christians believe and confess what is bad; they believe and speak the devil’s words rather than the promises in the Bible.

When the people of Israel were about to take the Promised Land, there were two kinds of people. There were those who believed God and spoke positive things, and those who lacked faith and expressed what was negative; they saw the giants as a threat to their lives. The Lord gave them a promise and they saw it, but they did not believe it; instead they spoke what was wrong with their mouths (Numbers 13:31-33).

We need to be careful with what we say, because words cannot be taken back nor can the wind take them away. The effect of our words go beyond our imagination.

You have been trapped by what you said, ensnared by the words of your mouth. Proverbs 6:2 (NIV)

What do you usually speak to your family about? Stop talking about problems at the table, in front of your children; which embitters the sweet bread the Lord gives. A father or mother’s words have consequences in their children. In our family we will harvest the fruit of our words.

When Moses sent the spies to evaluate the land God had given them through a promise; ten to twelve men returned proclaiming bad news about what they had seen in the Promised Land. The effect of their negative words caused thousands of people to lose the best of their lives. The people were singing with joy after the sea had parted, but the negative language that came out of ten men caused depression and discouragement in the population (Numbers 14:1-3).

Think about it:

It is important to evaluate ourselves and reflect on what predominates our speech:

  • Is it easier for us to criticize others than to say something virtuous about them?
  • When we have a problem, do we first complain and ask why this is happening to us?