

They went in whatever direction the spirit chose.. (Ezequiel 1:12 NLT)

The Spirit of God is moving in a focused direction in this Purpose Builders series.
He is doing something good throughout His Church.
He wants to restore lives.
He wants to restore homes.
He wants to restore spiritual, family, physical, mental, financial, relational and vocational health.

They went in whatever direction the spirit chose…Ezequiel 1:12 NLT)

Now it is our turn to align ourselves and move in the direction that the Spirit of God moves.
Let’s all participate and align ourselves in the same direction, at the same time, in the same feeling and we will see wonderful things in this series.

Think about it:

How have you become involved in the Purpose Builders series?
What has this series provoked in you?
How do you think this series can help people find their purpose in God?